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Tuesday, May 02, 2006
So blogger was being stupid this morning and I could barely read all of your blogs let alone post anything!!

The good word is that the Oilers knocked out the Wings in the first round... Oh, wait! I suppose it is that we are finally home. Sorry about that. 10 days without hockey does that to a person. (I also apologize for my miss step earlier in saying that Ottowa was up in the series against Detroit. It was Edmonton)

So we finally made it home at about 10:30 Sunday night. I was just so stinkin' tired yesterday. Thus the no posting. I was also battling a personal war against my computer. It was not letting me download our photos off the memory cards. I think it had a grudge for lack of use in the last 10 days.

I am not sure if I told you all or not, but I had grand plans of bringing home a suitcase full of Vodka and Chocolate. Well... you remember that suitcase full of orphanage donations? Let's just say that little suitcase exceeded United Airlines 50 lb. weight limit. Gee I don't know why...

All in all the trip was good. Just for the record, there is no ill will toward Jamie & Suzanne for getting on the earlier flight. After my little meltdown in the airport I was able to entertain myself with the Lost special features disk until it was time to board the plane. We only wish we were able to say a proper goodbye to them. Go check out their site. Suzanne posted some fantastic photos of the trip. There is even one of me with my fancy new glasses.

I know you are all dying to see photos of Pickle. Most of you know that it is illegal to publish photos of Russian orphans on the internet or in any other public place until that child is legally yours. So you will have to settle for this...
Blogger Jennefer said...
Nice photo of Pickle. Thanks for relieving us of our curiosity. He should be very well behaved.

Blogger Maggie said...
I could use some of that vodka right about now.

Thanks for all of your support recently!

Blogger Yeah So said...
Ha Pickle...I get it. Well, the diaper changes will be a snap.

Anyway, welcome home again, what could be bad about a trip loaded with vodka & chocolate (pickle aside of course). Well, I can look forward to good coffee at least.

Blogger kirsten said...
pickle is adorable! glad you're home safe and sound!

Blogger 6blessings said...
Pickle is so cute!! Can't wait to see his twin! I'm sure they don't resemble each other too much! Hope you're catching up on sleep!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Are you going to keep the name Farman or give him a new name?

Seriously, glad you are home safe!

Blogger Deb said...
LOL! Glad you are home safe.

Blogger Amy C said...
I can't wait to met the real pickle...

Not much longer till your pickle will be home!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...
Love the pickle picture. Glad you are home. Hope you get have a quick turnaround time until you can go back again and bring him home.

Blogger Lauri said...
I gave that same chocolate out as gifts and I ate more than my share of those aero type fat bars..... yum

Love the pickle pic.... he is greener than I imagined but cute enough to eat ( with a ham sandwich)

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Welcome home! I know I haven't posted here before, but you can thank C and B for getting me addicted to adoption blogs.

Just wanted to say - what?? I'm still in shock the Red Wings are done - are you kidding? Well, at least the Pistons are still going (we're in Michigan... inpatiently awaiting the U of Michigan football season to start - 3.5 months to go!)

Keep yourself busy during the wait for court, and that's a great pic of pickle :)

:) Lorien

Established March 19, 2006