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Friday, September 15, 2006
Adoptions, Marriages and Government, oh my
I apologize for yesterday’s abrupt post. I happened to wake up on the wrong side of the bed yesterday and by the time I got to posting I was in a very foul mood. Part of it was because I didn’t get much sleep that night. Pickle spent the night digging his head into my back. Not fun.

So a little more about becoming “official” parents. After signing the adoption decree we went to the vital statistics office. The children didn’t have to go for this part, but we had two very sleepy and cranky kids so we decided to all go in. Well… it was Friday and that means wedding day. Weddings happen here usually Wednesday through Saturday with Friday being the most common. Weddings also happen at the vital statistics office and not in churches. Really! Bride and groom in their wedding finery and their small number of guests crammed into the little wedding area of the VS office. There was one wedding party there when we arrived, a bride and groom arrived shortly thereafter and another as we were leaving. Pickle didn’t want to just sit. He was more interested in wandering around the small office. Of course there were people trying to get married and I don’t think their wedding video would be that good if there was my screaming child in the background. I bet you were wondering where the name Babaganush came from. We started calling him that before we got to the VS office, but once we started to think about it, it was quite appropriate. If you have seen the movie The Wedding Crashers you know that Vince Vaughn’s character’s nickname is Babaganush. And he happens to be a wedding crasher. Well… this is what Pickle was doing. Essentially crashing a wedding.

Pickle was tired of being cooped up in the office so I took him outside to walk around. A little while later Irina comes out with Kathou and Chickadee (yeah, I’m changing it, that is what Kathou calls her.) Irina says we are to take the kids back to the apartment. Fine by me. Pickle was starving.

Now what I didn’t know is what was happening at the Vital Statistics office. CS and Paypay were there to sign the kid’s birth certificates. They go into the little office to sign and then the woman stands up and says some words in Russian. (they actually are pretty much the same thing the lady with the Adoption Decree says) Anyway, CS looks at Paypay and asks, “Are we married now?” Little did I know that our husbands were getting married. When they walked out of the VS office there were some rose petals on the ground and Paypay turns to CS and says, “oh look rose petals!” CS says, “only the best for our wedding day.” Does this mean I have 2 husbands now?

In the afternoon we took another trolley ride into town to go to the central market. This was a chocolate buying mission. Since the weather is still nice the outside produce vendors were still there. I only wish we had gone sooner. They had lettuce, fresh herbs, and corn on the cob!! We thought we might take a chance and try the corn on the cob. We went up to a vendor and asked for 3 ears. The woman reaches into a bag and pulls out an ear that is dark yellow and hot. Then there was an older man who was very jubilant. Evidently she was selling cooked corn on the cob. So we took one of those and 4 ears of uncooked. Note to readers: If you come across a woman in an open air market selling hot corn out of a bag don’t eat it. This stuff is the nastiest stuff evah!!! It tasted like paste. Hot corn paste. Ewwwwww.

Last night we had our farewell potluck for Jamie & Suzanne. The dinner was fantastic!! Their Pelmeni happened to taste better than ours. I am going to have to figure out how she did that. Pickle did amazingly well. He was a little confused when I started to get the plates out, but didn’t set the table. Then we herded him out of the kitchen and he started to cry. We made him follow the food next door. He ate all of his food on his own. He never does this at our house.

The kids played well together and Andy made a point to watch out for Pickle and Chickadee. When they went where they weren’t supposed to he would carry them back to the correct parent. It was quite cute.

The Chandlers leave today, but we won’t be without another AIA family for long. Another couple arrives tomorrow morning and another tomorrow night. Then Monday it is outta hea for us!!!!

We only have 1 day to do stuff in Moscow so we may not have time to post. We do have the free dial-up that we thought we would have here so I may try the picture posting again.

We may forego Pickle’s nap on Tuesday just to get the sights in. We figure there is plenty of time to sleep on the plane ride home. The 3 main sights we want to see are Arbat Street (mainly so I can get my hockey jersey), Red Square and a must is a meal at the Hard Rock. Gawd I could go for a big fat cheeseburger and salad. Drooooool.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hey in my procrastination from homework it looks like I am the 1st to post. Yippee!! Please tell CS congrats on his new marriage. Make sure he tells me where he is registered. IAL

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hey guys, wow what an adventure you guys have had. You are almost homeward bound. Yes, Arabat and the Hard Rock is a must in Moscow, I had my fav, fajitas,it was so...good after no mexican for 3 weeks..ugh. Safe travels to you guys!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
You guys are almost home!!! YEA!!!!! Can't wait to see you and the baby get off the airplane. Loved the pitures!!!
Mom and Mike

Blogger Rhonda said...
Well, CS got unexpectedly married and became a father in a matter of a month :) That story is TOO funny.

Try soy sauce on the pelmeni. Trust me, YUM.

Blogger Melissa said...
You should post a picture of the 2 bride grooms. I just saw pictures of your cutie. He is a dream. I am so happy for you both. It couldn't happen to a more deserving couple. Only a few more days until you come home. Have a safe flight to Moscow.

Blogger 6blessings said...
Time is almost up. Soon you will be home. That is too funny about the wedding.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
The Hard Rock is a GREAT respite. Everyone speaks English. The menu is in English. The surroundings are all in English.

I literally fell asleep at my table I was so happy (and comfortable) to be there.

Blogger Carolina Mama said...
How awesome! And exciting that you are nearly done! The Hard Rock sounds like a perfect finale! It will be awesome to be home! Back in the USA!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
And here I was expecting to be asked to be in the bridal party when my ONLY brother got married! Huh! Thanks a lot! :)) (I can just picture D saying that-too funny!)
Anyway, as I sit here writing I can hear B in the other room singing, "Baby Oleg, Baby Oleg, Baby Oleg....." while she is painting. I went to check on her, and she said, "Look! I painted a baby bottle with milk in it for Baby Oleg! He's gonna love it!" Ha! Too cute.
Have a great last day in Khab, and a safe (and unevenful) flight to Moscow and home! Thinking of you.
Love, Lee

Blogger Yeah So said...
I could just picture them looking at each other in confusion, hilarious!! Have a great time sightseeing!

Blogger Maggie said...
So excited for you to come home! I hope you have a good trip to Moscow.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
lol Your cheeseburger comment brings back a memory for us.

On our first trip, our Aeroflot flight was late (imagine that!) so we missed our transfer from Chicago to Madison. Well, we ended up having to get a hotel because there were no more flights. So we got into our room it was like 11:30 pm. The first thing we do is call room service and order 2 giant cheesburgers with fries.

Oh my goodness, that has NEVER tasted SO GOOD in my life!! :D

Enjoy your cheeseburger when you get home guys! :)

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Funny about CS & Paypay getting married. Love getting these updates- can't wait to see a picture!

Blogger Gaye and Andrew said...
Until I read your post, I had totally forgotten about our appointment to sign the paperwork and pick it up...amazing how everything just goes by in a blur! You guys will be home before you know it. ~ gaye

Blogger Ann said...
so are two husbands better than one? :0)

Established March 19, 2006