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Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Officially a mommy
I am so very tired. I have officially become a mom. Since my child seems to be commando child and can escape from his crib in 2 seconds flat we thought it best if he slept in the bed with us. The problem is he likes to move around when he sleeps. This we were kneed, head-butted and kicked in the head repeatedly. He also does the rocking thing in the middle of the night so I constantly wanted to console him. Needless to say I didn’t get much sleep. Good thing CS got a little more than me.

I also want to thank all of you for your comments about the rocking. It makes me feel better that it will improve over time. It is just so disturbing not to be able to help comfort him.

Going to bed last night was a little better, but not much. I was on my own for nap-time today and that was not fun. CS went with Kathou and Paypay to the grocery and then to Baby Home #1 so they could pick up their daughter. So I was on for lunch and nap. Pickle cried when I put him in the bed and was not happy. We tried a little Baby Bach, but that wasn’t cutting it either. We finally went back to the bed and sat up and rocked together. Finally he sat by himself while I put my hand on him and let him rock. Once he fell asleep he slept for about an hour before he started rocking again. Then there was no going back to sleep.

We thought we would try a walk to the play yard this afternoon since the weather today is beautiful. CS strapped him into the stroller and about 5 feet down the walk wailing ensued. He was less than thrilled about the stroller. So we picked him up and carried him to the play yard. Of course there was a big truck next to the play yard and the engine was running. Pickle did not like that either. We tried the swing and that was ok, but he held the, “I’m not too sure about this” look. So we finally brought him back to the apartment.

He seems to be the most comfortable here. Outside of the apartment he is very timid and cautious. But this was the same when he first met us too, so I am not terribly worried.

One great success is that he LOVES!!!! Bathtime!!! This was met by shock and awe by the parentals! (meaning us) We had heard that children from orphanages absolutely hate baths and water. Not our boy. Dumping the cup of water on his head, rubbing the bubbles around. Doesn’t even mind having his hair washed! Praise the Lord.

Pickle is a strong eater, a decent sleeper and a generally happy boy. We are having a few issues with throwing things and also with what can and cannot be colored on. Such as the walls and the coffee table are a no. I think the housekeeper loved us for the “Pickle original” red marks on the wall.

Communication is going well. As I think I mentioned before, “Na” is here you go and “Mo-Mo” is please fix this or help me. This is distinctly different than “Ma-Ma,” which he does get and has said on occasion. Pa-Pa is a whole different story.

I think I may be off to confiscate some crayons now. I am sure this may result in a tantrum.

Nathe: what is the phrase, “Please don’t color on that.”

Also to all: It was confirmed that it is best that we not post photos until our 10 day wait us up. I know you are disappointed, but I am just following the rules. I have been in this process far too long to let something dumb like that screw it up for me. So you will have to wait until the 14th or 15th for photos. Both of us are too tired to know when it actually is.

Uncle Wayne: I have been inducted into parenthood by pulling a you and worrying about poo. Never fear! All is well! I changed my first nasty one this afternoon.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I've been constantly checking the blog to see how things are going and it sounds like you've got your hands full!!!! Love hearing all about your new parenting adventures and sounds like the fun has begun, poopy diapers and all!! Waiting excitedly for the next post!!
Mom and Mike

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Wondering if you could transfer him into the crib once he is asleep. Maybe leave the rail down so if he tries to get out he won't topple. You'll hear him.

Or put the crib mattress on the floor and transfer him there after he is asleep. Of course if he is a light sleeper none of that is going to fly and you'll have to sleep on the crib mattress! LOL

The BIG BIG body movements may very well subside after he is all transitioned and secure etc. I have read that, and it was true in my daughter's case. That doesn't help you now.

Its all a process becoming adjusted to one another. He sounds like a love and it sounds like you guys are doing well. I can't believe he loves bathing!! Such a bonus! Take care

Anonymous Anonymous said...
The worst thing about being a parent is wanting to make everything "all better"! The best thing about being a parent is wanting to make everything "all better"! What a good mommy you are to be able to try and try to make it "all better" even when things seem stacked against you. This little son of yours and D's has already started to show you he trusts you - he is testing the boundaries to make sure you really and truly are his forever family!! You both are doing a wonderful job trying to interpret each aspect of this little guy's approach to this totally new situation you all are in!! Conquer your brave new world one bath, one nap, one crayon at a time :-) Let's look at the rocking as "adjustment movement" . . . Pickle doesn't realize yet that you will be there for him,day and night - that he isn't going to have to take care of himself by himself anymore. We're thinking about you all the time - wondering how things are going, knowing you both are giving it everything you've got! The last thing we do before we go to bed is check the blog - thank you for taking time to paint a wonderful & expressive picture of your day . . . we're hoping for a good nite's rest for all 3 of you and a spectacular day tomorrow! Sending our love and hugs, Dad and Mom

Blogger The Belanich's said...
What the 14th?!?!?! We will be on our big jet plane to CHINA!! I will have to check in as soon as we can get internet access!!!

I didn't get a chance to comment yesterday, but rocking was the Paul put himself to sleep as well when we were in china. That ended when he realized it was better to snuggle and "rock" with Mommy or Daddy!

Blogger Mary said...
It's so tough trying to figure out what your child wants when he can't communicate with you. Good for you to try different things and find something that works.

You guys sound like you're doing great!

Blogger Ani said...
Congratulations on becoming a family!!!! Can't wait to see pics of the little guy.

Blogger 6blessings said...
Sounds like you are doing great! I know all of the toddler things can be frustrating and it is painful to watch the sleep patterns. I agree with all of those above- that once he realizes he is secure with you guys, many of the painful problems will disappear. It will take time, but it will happen. You sound like you've taken parenting by the horns and are old pros now!! Way to go!! Congratulations! I'll be anxiously awaiting the 14th or 15th.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
So glad to see the update, glad you guys are doing well and little Oleg loves bathtime that is great. Enjoy the timee with your precious son and prayers that you get more sleep:)

Blogger Lauren said...
I recently started reading your blog and just want to say I am glad things are going well. I am sure he will realize you are there for him and will settle into his new world. Congrats!!

Blogger Suz said...
Yay, I'm glad to hear about the bathtime success. D has always loved her bath too, and I was soooo worried about that before getting her.

Hopefully sleepy time will go better and better each night. D still sleeps restlessly when her life is in an uproar, so I just imagine Pickle feels all uproar-y right now too.

You're doing great! I wonder if we who adopt toddlers should add "Mr. Clean Magic Eraser" to our packing list for getting the crayon marks off everything before the housekeeping staff comes in and sees it??!

Blogger kate said...
What fantastic news! You just sound like a MOM now.

Try "Nee krastye na etom" for "Don't color on that".

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Congrats on all that you have achieved adoption-wise. What a whirlwind...just try to relax and let things roll along.
I would advise you to work with the rocking. It's obviously a system of self-comfort which he's developed and which works for him. Because he didn't get much rocking (I'm assuming) in his babyhood you have some catching up to do. Rocking is not only healthy it is imperative for all kids. It develops their sense of balance, rhythmic skills and is a de-stressor. He's used to doing this on his own but I'd try to interest him in making it a companion activity. Start at non-nap times so he gets the idea this doesn't just have to happen when you want him to sleep. Use music or sing to him. You can rock face to face holding hands, with him in your arms or with him on your back piggyback style. Try letting him rock a stuffed animal, too, so he gets the idea that you can do this to other people. When he's comfortable with lots of spontaneous rocking throughout the day he will likely begin to let you rock him to sleep, or as a way of calming him at nap time.
We use rocking in my baby and toddler music classes as a MUST every week. It's that important.
BTW I rocked vigourously and often as a the point that my mother sought help. I'm completely normal today...phased out of the rocking in my teens completely. It's likely a stage.

Blogger Yeah So said...
Sounds like you are doing remarkedly well despite the tiredness. I imagine that's normal for any new mom, you are constantly on the alert for any problem that may arise. I think he is doing awesome for being in a strange environment. You're doing good girl, keep it up.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
We are all watching, reading, and enjoying the blogs at SML. Thanks for the updates. Can't wait for you to come home so we can meet Pickle. BTW -- The ordination was wonderful!


Anonymous Anonymous said...
You guys are doing great. I check for updates at least twice a day. It will get better as he realizes that you are his "forever family". Looking forward to seeing new pictures. Love & Hugs, Aunt Jan

Blogger Deb said...
I'm so glad you are a mommy now. It's about time.
Our little wait to see Pickle's pictures are no big deal when we remember how long the wait was for you to get to him.
Glad he loves the bath. And as some have said his sleeping will get better with time I imagine. He has you and CS now. It won't take long for him to realize he is secure.

Blogger A Room to Grow said...
It's so nice to finally read about your first days together as a family. And how it isn't all peaches and cream as are depicted in many adoption stories. Your honesty about some of Pickle's behavioral issues and your feelings are very much appreciated. I think I'm going to learn alot from your posts!

I'll be happy to wait another week to see the pics.

Blogger SoFlaMom said...
You achieved a major milestone...alone time with baby. Congrats! It only gets better from here.

SoFlaKid always had a tough time with stimulation, loud noises, touch, etc. The best thing to do is take the queue from Pickle. If loud noises don't work, go somewhere else. We missed many parades, circus' etc. due to the stimulation and we have a pretty terrific kid. Understanding your child's needs is priority one and you obviously are doing a supurb job in the short time you have been together. :-)


Blogger Carrie said...
Yeah! I can't believe it really happening for you. You are a mom! CS is a dad! You are a family!!!

Congratulations Elle. I can't wait till we get to see that precious face.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Here goes the OT in me.....I am right on board with Bev on the rocking...Pickle is adjusting to his new family and the rocking is TOTALLY NORMAL and right on track for his developmental age!!! He is self consolling. Once he adjusts to the both of you and his new environmnet outside the orphanage walls it will subside. DONT WORRY! If he likes to rock, pick him up and rock him, who knows perhaps he'll fall asleep in your rocking arms then you can lie him down. If you have access to a rocking chair, I highly recommend it. Try reading or singing while you are rocking and see if he calms down enough. Remember to make the nightly and naply routines pretty much the same. Then he will start to register "oh its this time, ok i can settle down now". Also make every day exactly the same sort of routine, so you and he can adjust and develop some stamina (this is the only way things work in our house, free copy of routine if needed :) I am done "OT" ing it. If all else fails, if the bath works, why not play in the water! You guys are doing great!!!!! Thanks for the updates! The therapist in me leaks out every now and then...gotta work on that :) love, m, h, l, e :)

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I'd say "polzhulsta, ne na stene." (please, not on the wall).

Thanks for the update!

Abby says (to pickle): I am waiting to play with you.

(she's an official kindergartener now!)

Blogger Maggie said...
I was so afraid of bath time with Peanut (having heard the horror stories of bath time at orphanages as well). He LOVED taking a bath. He'd stay in there for hours if I'd let him. Glad Pickle likes it, too!

I'm thinking of you!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I just got through telling Suzanne that i was amazed their kids loved baths and now I am reading it here. And Margaret says Pickle loved the bath too. Maybe all the hype of being scared of baths is just not true.

It sounds like you are getting the first big dose of parenting a toddler. It all sounds very normal except the rocking thing- I think you just have to get used to the moving around thing- or get a bigger bed.

Blogger Melissa said...
So happy for you that things are going pretty well, other than having to change the poopy diaper. Not looking forward to that myself. I am sure like you said that he will get more accustomed to life outside of the apartment. Cant wait for the photos, but we all understand.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Nope, its not a rumor. I would imagine some baby homes handle the bath thing better than others from the sounds of these kids liking it. I traumatized my child the first night by washing her in the sink in the hotel room. She was dirty, it was necessary I thought. She raged so hard her eyes rolled back in her head.....I couldn't talk her was AWFUL. The next day I had my wits about me a bit more and thought to get in the tub with her. DUH. It was MONTHS before she tolerated it very well. Not sure if she had never been bathed or what. We were told the stand them in a basin and dump cold water over. Not sure.

Blogger Carolina Mama said...
It's so fun to hear you saying you're a MOMMY! CONGRATULATIONS! Here's to a smooth transition. Have fun! You did it!

Established March 19, 2006