Our last day in Khabarovsk finds us full of tantrums. Pickle is still testing us with food. He is trying to be picky, but we know full well he will eat what we feed him. He is just being a poop and trying to tell us he is all done when in reality it is just a way to get us to feed him something that he really wants. He will also pitch a fit if we don’t give him his milk or juice at the end of the meal. We did learn that it is best to feed him in courses. If you put too much food in front of him or try to give him his liquid with the food he just plays with it. We also learned to give him the stuff he really likes (read: bananas and yogurt) at the end of the meal.
Pickle is very confused by what exactly is going on here. We pack his favorite things when he is sleeping and then he doesn’t notice as much. Fortunately there are a bunch of toys that were already here and we are leaving them so he still has stuff to play with.
He slept very well last night and that was a good thing for mommy. He is finally starting to whimper a little when he wakes up in the night. He doesn’t give us any indication that he needs comfort when he is sleeping. It becomes difficult to gauge when he is waking up from his nap and such.
We are way too excited to finally be headed home. A part of me will miss this place as it will be a long time before we come back. Khabarovsk has its charm, but it is tiring when you can’t read anything or communicate with anyone.
We want to thank all of you for your prayers, support and comments. Reading your comments has been the highlight of our mornings. It is our routine to have breakfast and then go straight to the computer. Of course we are looking forward to the computer at home and unlimited internet access. I am personally looking forward to getting this blog back to looking normal. I miss all my side graphics. (I removed them to make the blog load faster here)
I will try to post photos on all of our posts once I get home too. I hear that the beta version of blogger is much better at posting photos. I hope that is true.
Well… we are off for the first leg of our adventure home.
Again, thank you for sharing your story. Both of us have thourghly enjoyed reading about your journey, and having our eyes opened to something we knew very little about. I have friends who are waiting for a court date to go back to Russia and bring their son home, so I'm reading all I can to learn how and what I can do to be supportive to them. Little did I know that by doing that, I would learn as much as I have and be touched by so many stories.
Pickle is very lucky to have such wonderful parents.
Safe travels!
So excited to be Grandparents,
Mom and Mike
Good luck on the trip home!!!
take care-Jenny
safe travels home!
Sandy B
All our love, Lee., W., and B.
Take care
Fly safe!!!
I can't wait to hear more of the story!