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Tuesday, June 06, 2006
One of those parents
Apparently I am becoming one of those parents. This is no offense to any of you. Lauri I loooooved seeing all of Liv's little outfits. It fulfills that whole would like to have a girl someday thing.

In honor of our release letter D's mom and I decided to go to 2 Expensive 4 U. Which was aptly renamed Breeders R Us due to the significant number of pregnant chicks there. Anyway... it really wasn't a special trip as more of we had some time to kill before going to the airport to pick up D's Aunt and Cousin.

While at BRU we noticed that they had a whole section of Independence Day outfits. Now you all know I am America's least patriotic person, but OMG!!! How cute!!! I thought that my boy certainly needed a special outfit to become America's newest citizen in. Yeah, yeah, I'll be too stinkin tired to change him before getting off the plane or I will be so tired of changing him that it won't matter anymore. I don't care. Right now I want an outfit for my boy. So MIL graciously purchased this little gem...

Whaddya think? Isn't it too cute? I think so, and you better too. Remember me and the eggs.

So I have officially become one of those parents. Aren't you so proud of me. I am on my way to becoming a mommy blogger. God save me.
Blogger Gaye and Andrew said...
Hi is adorable!!! And, don't worry, I have become one of "those moms" too. I bought Roman a little 4th of July outfit because a TON of our family is coming into town to see, he had to look smashing.

And, I have not checked your blog lately...congrats on getting your release letter!! That is so exciting! I am so thrilled for you and D.

And, my TV character? Hmmm...if you asked my husband, it would probably be someone clumsy and silly :) so I guess Grace Adler :)

Blogger Chelsea said...
I'm excited to hear about your life as a mommy Elle! You go girl.

Blogger M3 said...
Hm, I might be one of them too, because that little outfit made me grin! Too cute.

Blogger 6blessings said...
Very cute outfit!! Pickle will look great in it. I also did the "one of those moms" thing and bought red, white, and blue outfits to change the boys into right before we land and make our first appearance to family. I guess we think alike.

BTW, you are already a mommy blogger.:-)

Blogger Maggie said...
You're becoming a mommy blogger. Should I send you a soccer ball? (I'm cringing right now in expectation of a barrage of eggs.)

Cute outfit!

Blogger Lauri said...
Welcome to the club..... just wait until all you can think to blog about is Pickle's poop habits.. my fan base has really declined since my creative posts went with the lack of sleep. I love the outfit....I look forward to seeing more of them- dont you just love 2 expensive 4 U ???

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Very cute- it can be hard to find cute little boy stuff (vs. everabundance of cutesy girl stuff), so grab it while you can- or better yet, get MIL to grab it. :)

Blogger Deb said...
I have one problem with the outfit. Pickle's not in it!
Can't wait to see how cute he looks coming off the plane in it.

Blogger avonlea said...
I love it - please post a picture of the pickle himself in it - or email it or something! I'm so excited for you, it'll be real real soon. It's so amazing and wonderful and I'm sure you'll go on to establish a whole style of mommy blogging.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
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Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hi, Great outfit! I'm possibly the most patriotic mom so OF COURSE I had the outfit. ;-) I think she wore it for re-adoption too.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Very cute! And it is so hard to find cute boy outfits! And even harder to find ones that don't have an overabundance of logos on them!

e're still trying to figure out if we can make two "outside" flights this year, and we really owe Eric's side of the family a visit (especially as I haven't met them yet), but I told Eric I REALLY want to meet Pickle this fall!

Blogger Elle said...
A SOCCER BALL????? Margaret, how could you do that to me? I will make a confession... I do own a soccer ball. But to my defense I didn't buy it on purpose and it has never been out of the closet. In fact I am trying to figure out how to get rid of it before Pickle comes home. It came in a Paint your own soccer ball kit from Big Yellow Box. (A direct sales company I tried, and might go back to someday)

I can say my boy does have a hockey stick though, and will get his first pair of skates this fall direct from Montreal!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Too cute! Keep 'em coming! Oohing and aahing over outfits that other people have bought is almost as fun but much cheaper than "browsing" at Babies R US - and less frustrating than picking up three sizes thinking "referral in month x, court by month y, she'll be z months old, maybe small for her age so how about size...".

Blogger Carrie said...
Very cute! I'm so bad at buying the girls outfits for special occasions that the night before Easter Em was very distraught and couldn't go to sleep because she didn't have any new Easter PJ's this year! *sigh*

Blogger Jennefer said...
You have officially passed over into Mom Blogger Land. That, along with your upcoming birthday is sure to make you feel a bit queezy. Don't worry though- Shopping for kids stuff is fun and I heard that 30 is the new 20, so you really are going back in time 10 years.

Established March 19, 2006