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Friday, May 19, 2006
down, down, down...
in a burning ring of fire. Ok did anyone else see that movie and love it? I will say that I thought it was awesome!!! If you didn't like it then too bad for you.

My health matters have seemed to take a turn for the worse. I had quite a bit of energy yesterday, but by the time I got home from my day at work I had little to no voice left. I had planned on spending my evening on the couch watching the season ender of That 70's Show and the season finale of CSI. Unfortunately I had to attend to some urgent friend matters. In other words a girlfriend called and needed someone to talk to. HA!!! She had just talked to me a few hours earlier and knew the sorry state of my voice, but she insisted that she would do most of the talking. HA again!! I thought she knew me better than that. So... being the good friend that I am I armed (ok D armed) my trusty Tivo and out the door I went.

We met for drinks and she told me what was bothering her. We had a nice "conversation," but by the time I got home my voice was shot. Without even speaking to D I managed to get myself ready for bed and climb right in where I erupted into death coughs.

My sweet husband asks if there is anything he can get for me. I said no. I had already taken cough syrup with codine. The problem was that the drink I had gave me a rockin' headache. So dutiful husband gets me something for the headache and I drift off into drug induced sleep for about an hour. Then up to pee then to sleep, up to pee, then to sleep. Do you get my drift here?

No sleep and D's alarm going off at 5 am was not helpful. He left at 6:30 this morning and I thought I was dying. I finally drug my sorry ass out of bed at 7:30 since I was not getting any sleep anyway.

In the upright position I do much better. Feels like someone is sitting on my chest when I lay down. I did manage to make it to the drug store for some non-narcotic cough syrup. I have no voice whatsoever. I mean none! That does not make yelling at the cats easy. Of course D left to go to Portland for an all day meeting and then he is having dinner with his sister. So there is no one to take care of me. This sucks. Someone feel sorry for me. This might be my last opportunity to be taken care of before Pickle comes home. Because let's face it, with a little person around Mommies aren't allowed to get sick.

Someone send me some chicken soup.
Blogger Mary said...
This is your last hoorah, because you're right, Mommies don't get sick. We loved Walk The Line. We bought the cd where the movie stars do the's quite good.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Bless your heart. I wish I could come over to give you some much needed TLC and chicken soup. Take it easy and know that we love you. Aunt Jan

Blogger Elle said...
Aunt Jan,
If you see my MIL this weekend tell her to bring home some Call Hall icecream!!!! Or a Vista burger would be nice. You think she could pack those in her suitcase? Tell her she can leave the Cozy's in Kansas though.

Blogger Maggie said...
I'm with you L. I've been home from work more often than not this week. I went in yesterday and Bossman sent me home because I looked so bad. Thank goodness I have a job that I can do from home. I've got some puny antibiotics, but they haven't kicked in yet.

I hope you feel better soon!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I hope you feel better soon. Being sick like that (so sick you can't sleep) just sucks. Ugh!

Blogger Yeah So said...
That sucks. Get better dammit.

Blogger 6blessings said...
We just watched that movie last night. It was good. Hope you get better soon. You're right, mommies aren't allowed to be sick! Ever!

Please rest and get well. Hope to hear news of a quick recovery.

Blogger Deb said...
Virtual chicken soup and orange juice headed your way girl.
So sorry you're still not better and getting worse from the sound of it. Being sick is the awful. Get well soon.

Blogger avonlea said...
Sorry you're feeling sick, but I'm sure you'll be well in time to travel - which I hope is very soon.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hope you are feeling better soon! You can add a new reader to your list as well now with me, no lurking for me!

Established March 19, 2006