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Sunday, May 28, 2006
The Adopted Child
One thing pre-adoptive parents (PAP's) do for the arrival of their children is read every book imaginable on the subject of adoption, attachment, and parenting. There are some pretty fantastic books out there and then there are some that are just crap. I will admit that my list of books I have read if quite limited. I need to read at least one book on attachment and re-read the chapter of The Russian Adoption Handbook on what to do once your child is home. So this post is not a book review by any stretch of the imagination. If you want one of the best book review lists ever written read THIS post by Jen. She is working on a few others, but this is one of the most comprehensive lists I have ever seen.

What strikes me is on particular is actually a book not on Jen's list. Frankly I am glad it isn't there. I am talking about Twenty Thing Adopted Kids Wish Their Adoptive Parents Knew. For those of you who have read this book will know that it portrays adoption in a less than positive light. Sure there are many books out there that are positive adoption stories, but this one book just rubs me the wrong way. I have picked it up multiple times in stores, skimmed through it and put it back in disgust.

Living with an anthropologist has taught me to be very observant of my surroundings. I think this is why I love blogs and message forums so much. It gives me the opportunity to observe individuals with a kind of anonymity. Over the last 18 months I have tried to be aware of my surroundings in the adoption community. I have read people's posts on dealing with adding a child's culture into their family structure. I have seen countless questions on how to talk to your child about them being adopted. Worries about the possibility of loving "someone else's child." So on and so forth. All of these questions are very valid. Each family has concerns about adding an additional unit to their already existing family and how that unit will impact the whole. What I want to do is give you some insight as to what it is like to be the adopted child.

I am an adoptee. This isn't a secret. You have heard me talk about it before. But for the newcomers, there you have it. I have always known that I am an adoptee. What's more is that I was an only child until the age of 8. My family structure is a little screwy and for another post all together. Anyway, I am the third oldest of 23 grandchildren on my dad's side. I am (or was) very close to my cousins. They were like brothers and sisters. They never treated me any different than them.

When we started the adoption process I sat down with my mom and asked her if I had ever asked about my adoption. She said no. I remember looking at my baby book and seeing the photos of her taking me home from the hospital. I knew she never gave birth to me and I never questioned it. There was never a specific moment in my life where my mom or dad sat down and said, "Elle, you are adopted." It was just common knowledge. Maybe I am just not a "why" asker. But I like to think that I have never felt any different than my other cousins because my adoption was treated as normal. It was never put on a pedestal. I was never singled out. Never a mention that I wasn't a "biological." I was just me. But at the same time it was never a secret. I loved telling my classmates that I was adopted. It gave me some kind of cool status.

Granted I was a domestic adoptee. My parents never had a color issue to deal with or an age issue, but I am an adoptee all the same. I don't know if this give me a unique insight on how to be an adoptive parent, but I would like to think so. I want to follow my parents' example.

Thank you mom and dad for all that you ever did for me. I only hope I can be as good of a parent as you are.

So the Elle assvice underlying all of this; don't treat your child any differently than you would a biological child. Don't keep their adoption a secret, but don't single them out as "the adopted one" either. Embrace their culture and add it to your existing family structure. Celebrate your family as a Russian/Chinese/Indian/Guatemalan/Vietnamese-American family.

This is my mom's favorite poem:

Not flesh of my flesh, Nor bone of my bone,
But still miraculously my own.
Never forget for a single minute,
You didn't grow under my heart - but in it
--- Fleur Conkling Heylinger

This is mine:

today I kissed an angel

I knew it from the start

the first time my angel

smiled at me

I gave away my heart

today I kissed an angel

this angel child of mine

though not of my creation

my child by God's design

today I kissed an angel

my heart is dancing wild

a family, by a miracle

blessed by this angel child

Blogger 6blessings said...
Both of those are wonderful poems! Thanks for sharing your advise for the rest of us. I think your parents did an awesome job it sounds like. That is exactly how we want our children to feel- all of them, bio or adopted. To me, there is only a difference in how God chose to give them to me. There is no difference in my feelings for them.

Blogger Maggie said...
It's good to hear your perspective, Elle.

I was asked during my homestudy how I would approach discussing adoption with my child. My social worker is an advocate of never having that "You're adopted" discussion -- it shouldn't be a big reveal, adoption should be something that's embraced from day 1. It sounds like your parents did it right from the beginning.

In my situation, things are obviously different. I was trying to adopt a child who was aware of what was happening. I had a conversation with Vladimir about my adopting him back in October (over the phone). He understood what adoption was and wanted me to adopt very badly.

That 20 things book rubbed me the wrong way, too. I have no doubt that there are people who feel that way. But I think there are more adoptees that are well-adjusted.

Blogger Jennefer said...
Your advice is very valuable, since you are speaking from experience. Thanks for your insights. I love the poems.

Blogger glo said...
Russian/Chinese/Indian/Guatemalan/Vietnamese/Mexica-American family.LOL Sorry had to add Mexico in there for my grandbaby Elia. Thanks for your advice. Sounds wonderful to me. Elia is very special to us as of course all of your children will be to you. But she is a child, a new member of our family. Just one of us now. We are learninglots about her culture and she will be rasied bilingual. Of course grandma here will have to be working lots harder on her spanish after this coming visit in June for her first Birthday. I expect once she talks I'd best be prepared to speak both English and Spanish baby talk. That's gonna be a challenge. Thanks too for the list of books. I know my daughter is reading reading reading...I am going to browse around for some of these books to, especially if she hasn't read any of them.

Blogger Yeah So said...
You know my feelings on this, I wholeheartedly agree with you. This is also why I haven't read a single book on adopting and I don't plan to, though admittedly it's a little different for us since we'll be getting a newborn. I plan to read "how to take care of this new creature" books, like any other new mom would, but I have enough going on in my head without more people telling me how to treat the adopted child. LOVE the poems. I think your favorite is frame worthy...

Blogger The Belanich's said...
i always love your heartful honesty! Thanks for having a wonderful blog to follow!


Blogger Elle said...
I am soooo sorry Glo. I knew there were a few more countries out there that I was forgetting. For those others we also have Columbian and Ethiopian. Sorry Mandy and Steph!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Like you, I disliked Twenty Things (although I read it cover to cover, but told my husband to skip it). One of my favorite books on adoption is Talking with Young Children about Adoption by Watkins and Fisher, 2 thumbs way up - an easy read with a good balance between the positive aspects and potential obstacles we may face raising our children. Our son came to us at the age of 5 weeks (via domestic adoption), so it is our goal that he will always grow up knowing about his adoption, and how loved, wanted, cherished he is - so heartwarming to hear from you that it can be done!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Thanks for the insight. I looked at "adopted child" rearing books and bought one which I haven't read because of some of the things you mentioned. I'm not sure where the line is between embracing adoption / being born in Russia and making too much of it so she feels "different" but I assume we can figure it out as we go. After all, some of it may depend on her. I'll probably get back to it at some point, but for now, I'm focusing on the more general info.!

Blogger A Room to Grow said...
I hope our kids have the same attitude and comfort about their start in life as you do. Your parents must have done a great job! If they could somehow patent their formula and sell it to us PAPs and even those who start their families biologically, I'm sure they would be millionaires!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Elle, thanks for your insight on this book. I've read it and found it uncomfortable. It seems to say adoptive parents can't win. Then I ask a friend of mine (adopted) read it. She said it was right on target! Wish there was a clear consensus or right/wrong to these situations. ;-)

For instance....I have a friend (adopted) who told me if I loved my daughter I would do a birth mother search. Period end of story. If I don't search that means I don't care about her. Another friend who is adopted, told me its none of my business to search and I should let my daughter decide when she is old enough. Confusing!

Mostly adoption isn't something we dwell on, but I'm starting to tell her about it at night. Not every night. She doesn't connect the dots at all, but she loves to hear about herself as a baby. Too precious.

Sorry for the long post. Thanks for your prospective. Serena

Blogger Jim said...
A most excellent post! (And a great BLOG design...thanks for including us in your BLOG links, too!)


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