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Saturday, May 20, 2006
Congratulations! You have...

D finally comes home at 10:00 last night and I am already in bed. I try to carry on a conversation with him. His reply... "We'll take you to the doctor tomorrow." I think I liked it better when he was gone. So he loads me into the car late this morning and drives me to the "doctor in the box," as my SIL calls it. Very nice doc declares that I have Bronchitis. Great.

The good news is I do feel much better. I only lose my energy when I do a lot of walking.

In even better news we got our paperwork mailed off to Olga this week. We only need our new fingerprint clearance and the appointment for that came yesterday. The appointment is for June 1st, but we are going to try to sneak in on Monday. I have to take D to the airport and his flight doesn't leave until the afternoon. So we might make a trek to Seattle, the Dept. of Homeland Security and then I will drop him off at the airport.

We are hoping our much anticipated release letter will come sometime next week. After that it should take about 3 weeks or so for Pickle's paperwork to be gathered and for our facillitator to file to court. From that it is taking about 2 months for the actual court date. Two of our AIA families got court dates this week. The one I know for sure is on the 15th of June. Their paperwork was filed to court April 12th and they heard about the court date on the 19th of May. So you do the math. The other benefit that will hopefully work to our advantage is right now one of the other agencies in Khab had their accreditation expire on the 17th and another expires on June 9th.

While we are saddened that there will be a delay for those families waiting for referrals and 1st/2nd trips we are somewhat happy that the judge won't be backlogged with those cases. We do wish for a speedy reaccreditation process for those agencies. We never would wish the horrible wait on anyone else. Especially since we know some of you have referrals and some have already travelled on your 1st trips. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Blogger avonlea said...
Bronchitis is no fun, none at all but hopefully now that you've got meds you'll get well quickly. I hope everything with the paperwork will go smoothly and perhaps more quickly than you anticipate.

Blogger Gaye and Andrew said...
That stinks that you have bronchitis, but at least you know what it is and it can be treated now.

You are such a great person, Lisa...always thinking about others and their adoption struggles. you are the best!! ~ gaye

Blogger 6blessings said...
I'm glad you have a diagnosis and can be on the road to recovery now.

So, am I figuring right- an
August court date? Maybe we'll both be in Russia getting our kids at about the same time. That would be neat!!

Get well!!

Blogger Maggie said...
Bronchitis... yuck. But little antibiotics work wonders. The ones I got on Friday are busy doing their job for me. Hope you feel better soon.

As always, I'm praying and hoping for a speedy court date for you.

Blogger Deb said...
Great to hear you got some good meds in you and that D is taking care of you while he is home!
That's a long wait for court. I hope it goes by fast for you.

Blogger Carrie said...
Elle, I hope you are feeling much better today. I'm glad things are coming together on the paperwork front, the amount of paperwork required for adoption is very intimidating. I'm hoping for a quick court date for you!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hope you recover quickly. I hear a LOT of agencies were accredited on May 17 last year so are on hold now. Ours is one of them but if it helps you get to court quicker, that's a bit of silver lining.

Established March 19, 2006