We have discovered the secret to getting Pickle to try new things. Coat it in mashed potatoes. Chicken and mashed potatoes... a hit! Throw in some cooked carrots and we have gourmet people. Damn I am an awesome mom. It only took me 4 weeks to figure this little gem out. We have eaten 5 lbs of potatoes in 1 week. CS and I don't eat 5
potatoes in a month! Good thing I like mashed potatoes.
Also for your viewing pleasure is a photo of my little fireman joe. Nooooo you don't get the bathtub photo, but this one is better.
Pickle has this fascination with telephones. We aren't quite sure where he picked this up. We never talked on the phone in Russia and hardly do here either. I was talking to my girlfriend Danielle the other night on the phone and Pickle grabs the phone from me and runs away. He really wants to talk too. So we gave him a DVD player remote to play with until we could get him his own phone. I tried looking for one at the store today, but didn't like any of the ones I saw. They all make noise and he has enough noisy toys right now. Well leave it to Captain Smartypants to find a solution. He found an old cell phone of ours and gave that to him. The boy loves it!! Once I get my new cell phone he can have my flip phone and that will be like gold to him!!
We visited our church for the first time yesterday and he thought that was pretty fun. He was able to meet some of my co-workers and one of our pastors. He loved the sanctuary. It is covered in stained glass and very colorful. Hopefully we will be able to make it to church this Sunday. I am just not sure if he will be able to sit still and be quiet for an hour. I will bring the trusty crayons and color book and other quiet busy activities, but we'll see. Once we are home for a while and really settled we will be able to start Babies Music class. That is on Tuesday nights at 5:15. He loves music and instruments so it should be fun.
I'm so happy for y'all!
Don't worry about the church thing. I'm sure that everyone will just be glad he is finally home. No one will care if he makes his presence fully known. :-)
It sounds like you're getting into the groove of things around there.
You're doing a great job, it's a learn as you go thing!
grassy field and watch him run.... it's so funny! Watching my kids run was like watching weebles. So cute!
Cute photo!
Mashed potatoes is something I haven't tried. Great tip!
we gave our old cell phones to our kids too. they love them. and calculators work too, at least for our 19month old.