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Saturday, July 29, 2006
An Ode to My Friend
We interrupt the happy-go-luckiness of this blog for a very special reason. I want to tell you all about the strongest woman I know. She is like me. Blessed with a son that changed her life forever. A boy who filled every inch of her home with laughter. Who brought immeasurable joy into her life. As quickly as he entered, he departed just as fast. Like every mom this courageous woman fought like hell to bring him home. She did everything in her power. Sadly, this little boy's laughter would never be heard in her home again. Any other person would have been brought to their knees by such a tragedy. But not this woman. The love of this little boy made the already strong woman even stronger. Ready to face the world head on. She knows she has so much love in her heart to give. And the one word that will make her invincible, mom.

The majority of you know this woman. She walks in our midst. She has held our hands and we have held hers. Every day this woman amazes me and I am so proud to call her my friend. I only hope one day that I will have the opportunity to meet her face to face and tell her how much I love her. She has inspired me, and given me hope. Her name:


M, I love you! You are going to be the best mom I have ever met.

For those of you just tuning in to M's story; she is currently in the process of adopting an older child here in the US. She has yet to be matched with a child and we all are praying it happens soon. She recently wrote a post about how so many of the children have background issues that can be a bit disturbing. It is true. So many of the children available for adoption in the US and around the world have some sort of issue resulting in them being placed for adoption. A parent that couldn't care for them or that died. Removal from homes because of abuse. It is a sad reality of adoption. What we do as parents is to love them. Unconditionally. We give them a love they may have never seen in their short little lives. And the woman to give more love to a child than anyone is Margaret.

I found this video on YouTube a few months back. It is a bit disturbing. I will warn you that the initial image can be hard to deal with. The message is very important. Of course M found a video that is much more positive, but I like to be different. (someday I'll post my hunger video) It makes a point though. Even though our children may come with issues, may fight us, act out or make it seem like life is unbearable we are their parents. It is our job to love them no matter what. That is what they want.

Blogger Maggie said...
You've officially made me cry. Thank you for all of your kind words. I don't see myself as that strong, so it's uplifting to hear that someone else sees that in me.

I see I found the wrong video. The one you posted is powerful and so unfortunately true. The number of moves these kids have made (including multiple trips back and forth to their birth family) are what is horrifying me now. They've had zero consistency. Thanks for posting this.

Blogger Her Grace said...

In the short time you've known her and over the internet no less, you've been able to see in Margaret what I've known about her for over 20 years. She is amazing, isn't she? Thanks for the beautiful post about my dearest friend.

(And that video was so very, very hard and so very, very true. Thanks for the link.)


Blogger Gaye and Andrew said... and Margaret are both amazing women. You have both helped me so much during my waiting process and everything...I am always here to listen :) gaye

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Thank you so much for that. I really needed to watch that today.

Blogger 6blessings said...
Incredibly powerful video! Wow!

Margaret and Elle: two very strong women with two very big hearts. It's an honor to know both of you! I pray your children will be home in your arms very, very soon!

Blogger Rhonda said...
I agree. And the way she handles herself? She is so kind, thoughtful, and gracious. I definitely hope to be more like her.

Blogger Yeah So said...
Margaret was one of the very first people to cheer me on when I started blogging earlier this year (you to Elle!). And she did so even through her ordeal. She is totally amazing and will make the most wonderful mom. What a fitting tribute!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Such a beautiful video. We watched that one and a similar one at an attachment type class last winter. Just brings you to tears :(

Established March 19, 2006