I hate to give a weekly update when there really isn't any news to give. You have heard all we know at this point. So I am going to put all of you on a DHL watch. We have the tracking number of the package carrying our fingerprints to Khabarovsk. They MUST reach Khab by the 31st for our Aug. 1 pre-trial. The package was sent Wednesday. Hopefully the judge will be really nice if for some reason the paperwork doesn't arrive on-time. Irina will be carrying faxed copies with her just in case.
So here you go: Visit
DHL and enter tracking number 8356039871 As of 1:31 pm today the package is in LA.
In other news please go on over to
Salsa in China and give Mary-Mia some love. They found out yesterday that they missed the cut-off for referrals by one day. One stinkin' day!! So one more month of waiting. But they are definitely NEXT! She has received such an out pouring of support, but I know how this process can play with your emotions. There are days when we just need a little extra love. She's been there for me so it is time to pay it forward.
I'm still working on Pickle's room. I solved the shelf issue (I made one.) I just have to paint it now. I also need to finish the border on his quilt. Yes, I made a new quilt. I found fabric that was just way too cute. Ok, Captain Smartypants found it, but I am sure he would not be pleased that he spends any amount of time in a fabric store. This is what he gets for playing golf today and leaving me to fend for myself at dinner time. Leftover pizza it is!
have a wonderful night!~
Incidentally, there is a series of children's historical fiction books by Gloria Whelan you might like to have. The first is called "Angel in the Square" and is named for the angel in Palace Square in St. P pictured on your blogtop. It's about the revolution. The next is called "The Impossible Journey" and takes place on a trip across Siberia. The third is "Burying the Sun" about the seige in St. P. The fourth is "The Turning" about a girl who wants to leave Leningrad. Each book follows a family--and occurs a generation later.
I think "The Impossible Journey" would be especially meaningful to your family once Pickle is home!
Oh and I have some quilt squares coming to you very soon...just have to get my butt to the post office.
Thanks for letting me know where that statue is. I got the photo from istockphoto.com. I did a search for Miracles and that is one that came up. I didn't know where the photo was taken or that it was even in Russia. I just thought it was beautiful. Sadly it is not one of my photos. I wish it was.
Thanks for the recommendations on the books. I'll have to check those out.
I will diligently check to see if your package has arrived...send positive energy to the DHL delivery plane :)
And thanks for the love. It helps so much! Can you just imagine when we're all done with this process and life is once more back (mostly) in our control? It's hard to even imagine such wonderfulness. :-)