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Tuesday, July 18, 2006
When Crazy Women Snap
The inevitable has happened. I think I have gone off the deep end. Remember in an update a few days ago I mentioned that we had a new paperwork requirement? Oh that's right... I didn't mention that little gem. We got a request for a few letters of clarification on some other paperwork required. This meant that I had to contact an outside source to procure said letters. A source that frankly is a boil on the ass of society. Oddly enough this is not the Pierce County assessor. That guy is just as dumb.

To make a very long story much much shorter I am personally seeing that these letters are completed (for the second time) correctly. I would spell out all the details of the saga, but I don't want to anger any powers that be that may be reading.

Needless to say this whole thing has pushed me over the edge. There are 2 little pieces of paperwork standing in between me and my son. Not a pretty picture. I began to wonder if starting to drink at 10:00 this morning was too early. My BIL said that if you are asking if it is to early to start, it's already too late. I think he was right you know.

I have called and ranted to Kathou, Captain Smartypants and my MIL. You know it is bad when I even called Olga. I never call Olga. In the 18 months in this process I have spoken to her about 4 times on the phone and once was when she called to tell us about A. I wasn't really speaking then. Mostly hyperventillating. I must say though... I am glad I did call her. She felt the same way about the source and actually made me crack up in her descriptive capabilities.

Hopefully I can get this requirement out of the way so I can move onto the next one. FBI fingerprints. Oh fun! One should not be on a first name basis with the clerk at the secretary of states office.
Blogger A Room to Grow said...
wanna help me fill in some excel spreadsheets at work tomorrow? your craziness will add some color to the content for sure.

(bored senseless in corporate world)

Blogger A Room to Grow said...
guess what my word verification just was.... "upgurl"


Blogger Maggie said...
Pain in the ass. Why is there always something more? I'm pissed on your behalf. Let's just pray that this is the final thing and you'll be back with Pickle soon.

Blogger Suzanne said...
I got really good at the tearful-pleading-mommy-that-is-about-to-become-the-crazed-screaming-woman act on the last round of paperwork. I had to quote life expectancy statistics for orphans to get the Tax guy to give me a notarized letter. It's insane what people will have the audacity to begrudge given the context of the request. Scrooges one and all.

Blogger Jenny said...
Oh Elle--This makes me soo mad. The whole thing. I hate that your fate is resting in the hand of someone else! Thinking of you-J

Blogger Deb said...
Elle that's just awful.
I hope they figure out that they have enough paper soon and give you your son.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Well...crap..and double crap!!!!!! You could always call me and I'd join you in that drink, even if it is over the phone! Thinking of you!

Blogger Carrie said...
Why is it, the more you need something right NOW, the more people and events seem to conspire against us!

I hope you get those papers soon. This is all making me REALLY look forward to my own paperchase.

Blogger Lauri said...
It totally sucks when some little peice of paper is holding up your life...

hope it all gets solved soon... and your finally done with this paper and off to pick up your son

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I have the confidence that both of you will pull some more patience out of... somewhere. I'm so sorry this has happened! I know it will all be over soon, though, and Pickle will be trying to squirm out of your arms in order to chase the cats down the hall! As always, think lots of positive thoughts! Oh, and I might send you a blank piece of paper, asking for your signature, just to see if you will try to explode.... (I know, I know, my sick sense of humor is leaking over into the blog - it has something to do with video posting incident yesterday.)

Blogger Ann said...
All the paperwork bullsh##, get to me too. When we filed for our I171H, they too wanted more info. Talk about a panic attack. I guess it's just getting us ready for our children. but come on now, get don't these people understand you're waiting for you son.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Ugh!!! Hang in there. You're SO close.

Blogger Rhonda said...
I'm fed up FOR you. I can't imagine how fed up you and CS are. Fun. Quite frankly, I think drinking at 10 a.m. is a bit late for me. Um, I mean early.

Blogger Wendy said...
I swear there are people out there whose job it is just to think up new and strange requirements to torture adoptive parents. Wouldn't it just be easier and less painful to require us to donate an organ or something? We've already lost our hearts, why not a kidney and a liver lobe???? (Heavy note of sarcasm....;-)

Blogger Yeah So said...
It's like they have some meter that tells them how much crap you can take...and when you are in the red zone they giggle and throw even more at you! Bastages!

Blogger Elle said...
OMG! I thought CS was the only one who used the phrase Bastages!

Blogger Chelsea said...
K, I tried to comment yesterday but blogger was being a jerk!! It tears my heart out to hear that you guys are being jerked around! You deserve to have pickle at home with you! I praying for you guys

Established March 19, 2006