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Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Thank you all for your stories of your families and friends. I do appreciate them so very much.

I bet you all are wondering how long I can hold out before grief kicks in an knocks me off my manic high. Let's just say lunch consisted of Goldfish crackers. yeah! they're staying in.

I am running between sad, angry and depressed. Not only did I lose my great-grandfather we found out this morning that it could be a while until we hear about a court date. The good news is the judge didn't kick our case out of court. So we won't have to make yet another trip to have our own medicals re-done. The judge didn't schedule the date like we were hoping, but she pretty much mandated that the Ministry of Health complete the medicals for Pickle. The estimated time frame is it shouldn't take longer than 2 weeks to have them completed. The hope is the judge will schedule our date quickly thereafter.

So yeah, I'm feeling pretty blue. Big ol' case of the it's not fair. But you know me. I'm not one to be much of a whiny baby. I am trying to look on the bright side of things. Unfortunately right now I can't find much of a bright side. My bed is looking pretty tempting at the moment. The worst part is CS is working out of town today so it's just me and the cats. They are trying their best to comfort me, but it is mostly just walking under foot.
Blogger Yeah So said...
Hmmm...well I tried to think of some bright sides for you but I couldn't come up with much. I know you've been telling yourself that 2 weeks is no big deal in the scheme of things, but it doesn't make it any less frustrating. How about two more weeks of shopping for more pickle goodies? If it makes you feel any better, you will be getting socks soon! Sorry schmoopie!! Stupid judges!!

Blogger 6blessings said...
Oh Elle, I'm so sorry. I don't know why these things keep happening to you. I know it doesn't help to say that when Pickle's home, you'll never remember these delays. I wish I was close. I'd swing by and take you to do something and get your mind off of things. I can't believe another thing has happened. When you finally get that court date, the whole world will be shouting!!

Blogger Chelsea said...
I hope a big virtual hug for you is good. I'm not going to try and say anything witty just know we are all thinking of you.

Blogger Deb said...
Glad to hear what you at least know what to expect. Sorry it will take so much longer.
Not that you want to hear this but...
Remember God has a reason for everything and don't forget to trust Him.
Praying for you and the cats.

Blogger Jenny said...
I am so sorry. I really hope the 2 weeks is no longer than 2 weeks!
Pickle needs to come home asap!

And, I am very sorry for your loss. Hang in there and go have some bed time.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
So you mean to tell me, in the weeks you awaited your pretrial, NO ONE over there could figure out, "Hey, this kid had surgery, maybe we should check up on the paperwork on that?"!!!!!! I swear, the paper-pushers over there deserve some kind of award for dumba#$@%edness!!! Ok, my mini-rant is over.
How about a glass(glasses? Bottle?) of wine and pedicure and sister time in about 2 weeks? And a Mariners game for CS?
Hang in there!
Auntie Lee

Blogger Elle said...
Lee you can't get here soon enough.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Bless your heart. I too hope that two weeks is all you have to wait and that a court date will be scheduled very soon after the medical thing is signed. I wish that we could be there right now to give you a big hug and take you out to dinner. Love & prayers, Aunt Jan

Blogger Maggie said...
Since your family has already commented, I feel that I can say this...

The MOE needs to get off it's collective ass and get the job done.

Blogger Suz said...
Elle, it's ok to visit "it's not fair land" for a tiny little bit.

I just pray that the two weeks goes by quickly and your sweet Pickle is able to come home soon.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hey, kiddo - THE bottle(s) are on your mother-in-law who plans to join you as we "toast" the latest in a VERY L-O-N-G series of ***** *** ******* episodes in Pickle's adoption! Get them wine glasses out 'cause I'm headed your way!!! Luv Ya lots, MIL

Anonymous Anonymous said...
You have GOT to be kidding. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. I'm going to go find something to kick.

Blogger Suzanne said...
Hey there! IE no longer means internet explorer, it means INTREPID ELLE: the woman who single-handly resists the call of It'sNotFairLand AND GoingToBedNowAndNotGettingOut all in one day. Honestly, I'd be in bed sniveling and not feeling a bit embarrassed about it. I know you are not a whiney pants, but in some circumstances it is permitted to cry and feel sad and rant a bit and these are the circumstances.

Blogger A Room to Grow said...
I'm exhausted after the last two days of waiting along with you so I can't even imagine what you are feeling now. And I wonder how I'm going to cope when it's my turn.

No words of wisdom from me. It all doesn't seem fair.

Blogger Rhonda said...
On the bright side, it wasn't kicked back. But I'd be doing the same thing if I was you. It just feels like you guys have waited forever.

Blogger kate said...
Maybe it won't take two weeks. Maybe everyone's calendar will miraculously clear and the check-up will be completed tomorrow and the paperwork will be in the judge's hands by Friday. Maybe...or, maybe there is going to be a giant airfare sale announced in two weeks. Maybe...

(Just trying to hold down the fort on the bright side so that you can go and rant.)

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I'm sorry about your great-grandfather and the court delay. You've had just far too many delays with this whole thing- I hope Pickle comes home soon.

Established March 19, 2006