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Friday, August 25, 2006
We don't have the time to worry about the time
See that countdown clock up there? Yeah, I've been trying to ignore that little gem. I'm looking at it and it says we only have 3 days and 4 hours left before CS is shoving my butt onto that plane. Don't get me wrong... I want to go. I am over the top excited to go, but there is so much left to do and well... only 3 days and 4 hours to do it in.

Of course we have to throw in things like a "wedding shower" for some friends of ours. If I were sane I would just say, "John and Courtney, we love you very much. We enjoyed the hosted bar at your wedding and sneaking out onto the driving range at the golf course. We wish you well in your new married life, but we are leaving the country for 24 days and we just can't make it." But seeing as I'm not sane we are going. Besides, it's at CS's parents house and let's face it... they throw a mean party.

I revisited the to-do list last night and here is what our weekend looks like:

Some time between now and 11:45 this morning I must shower (that gives me 2 hours and 15 minutes)
Stop at the bank to pick up the money.
Force feed Elle.
Hair appointments for the both of us.
Finish errands in Olympia since that is where the hair place is. Errands include picking up the remainder of the stuff on the to-buy list.
Saturday morning, finish the laundry and finish packing
Saturday night, party
Sunday morning, church at 8:30, clean remainder of the house
Sunday afternoon, pry Elle out of the corner where she is rocking herself and mumbling something about another person to take care of.
Monday morning, drag Elle out from under the bed where she is hiding still mumbling about lack of chocolate and vodka.
Monday afternoon, hug Kathou and Paypay at the gate and shove Elle's loony butt onto an airplane bound for parenthood.

I think the stress really is getting to me. I had our passports sent to the church instead of our house, since that is where I was yesterday. I brought my camera to work so I could take a photo of the FedEx guy when he delivered my golden little package. I asked if I could take his photo and he said no. I begged. Still said no. I was so devastated I nearly burst into tears. How dumb is that? Gawd I am a loon.

Oh and for the record... if you happen across a Japanese blog with a post about how dumb Americans are an there is a photo of a guy in a grey t-shirt and blue shorts at a Mariners game... that lady behind him in the red jacket... that is me. We had a great time at the game Wednesday night, but when purchasing the tickets forgot that the 300 level in right field of Safeco is the "Rabid Fan" section. I swear the Ichiro fans are crazy!!! It didn't help that we went to a Yankees game and the Matsui fans are even worse. But the dude in front of me did not shut up the entire game. I have never seen a person with such diarrhea of the mouth. I nearly kicked him in the back of the head just to knock him out.
Blogger Chelsea said...
I was going to bring you that turkey sandwich but you are not going to be home when I drive through town next week!!

I am getting nervous for you!! I have butterflies!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hi, I am all a twitter for you guys. I cannot imagine how much your lives will change when you bring that little guy home. But what a wonderful change it will be. God is so awesome getting you and Pickle together at last. Be careful as you travel. We will be praying for you all. Love Aunt Jan

Blogger Deb said...
2days 22hours. Wow! You guys will be parents so very soon. We are thrilled for you.
Looking forward to hearing about the reunion with your son.

Blogger Liv said...
OMG!!! You leave in less than 3 days!!! Get packing and camp out at the airport!!!

Blogger Mary said...
This is all so awesome. You will soon be's an awesome experience!

Don't sweat it, everything's going to be OK.

Blogger Carolina Mama said...
Go get Pickle!! We're waiting! Have fun at the party!

Blogger Yeah So said...
Um not to freak you out or anything, but it now says 2 days and 17 hours. Holy crap do you realize by this time next week you will be a mom!!! Gawd, I want to vomit for you. Vodka and chocolate are a good idea. I think I have some around here somewheres....

Blogger Lauren & Cupcake said...
To the insane one- at the time I am posting it says UNDER two days. You need to get off the puter making lists and get it done...PICKLE IS WAITING!!!

Blogger Chris Sapp said...
Just wanted you to know that the Sapp Family is thinking of you and praying for your trip to get PIckle!

Blogger Rhonda said...
Sheesh, the least the FedEx guy could do was let you take his photo! What a party pooper!

Blogger Mrs. Broccoli Guy said...
Holy Cow, you are going to be on a plane in no time! I can't believe you are going to a party this weekend - wait, yes I can - I would totally do that too. ha ha.

Blogger A Room to Grow said...
2 days! Time is ticking by so fast compared to last month isn't it? Have fun tonight at the party!

Blogger Melissa said...
You kill me:P~~ I hope you have fun at the party. Have a safe flight on Monday. Do not stress yourself to the point you will get sick. Have a couple of drinks on the long flight to calm your nerves. We are all praying for you!

Established March 19, 2006