I finally wised up and crawled in bed with the computer. I really should have done this earlier. Kitty is cuddling nicely with me and I am doing my part at yelling at the television and laughing at how truly short Regis Philbin is. Great... now you know that I actually watch America's Got Talent. Hey, we all need some kind of useless fluff on occasion. And please tell me where is the talent in stripping. And to defile the Kit car!!! That is just sacreligious. There are children in the audience for crissake.
Thanks to all of you for your kind support. I have come back to check for comments repeatedly and it lifted my spirits. I tried to be a productive member of society today, but the furthest I got was to make my bed. That was just dumb.
I did finally eat today. Apparently Goldfish crackers (and later ice cream) didn't count as a meal. I beg to differ. CS's parents came and took us out to dinner. Good thing too since if they didn't CS would be having a
Rhonda special of cheese sticks. I don't think we have cheese sticks. Ummm, left over and expired cookie dough. How bout that?
If you just can't bring yourself to sink the funds into a fruitless endeavour, at least splurge on a silly indulgence to distract yourself. Yes, you have the funds. Think of all the grocery money you've saved this week while you have been on a fish cracker and icecream only diet!
Hang in there. We're all pulling for you. You're going to be the greatest mom after all you've been through! I can't wait to see pics of Pickle! We all think you're awesome!
I personally see nothing wrong with goldfish crackers and cookie dough. Sounds like a good meal to me!
Think Happy Thoughts!